
My name is Helen

This is my first website in Neocities

Headings should be labelled in order of importance.
Use strong tags rather than the old b tag
The em tag is for emphasis usng italics

This is my second paragraph that we were told to make. This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make. This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.This is my second paragraph that we were told to make.

and again, another one. and again, another one.

and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one. and again, another one.